Embark on a creative quest and let your artistic journey begin!
Learn from local muralist and sculptor Bimmer Torres and paint your own designs on blank hats to transform them into personalized masterpieces. Whether you’re a budding artist seeking inspiration or simply looking for a fun activity, this program offers the perfect blend of self-expression and community engagement. Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your talents in a vibrant and supportive environment, as your quest for artistic fulfillment begins here! All materials will be provided. Appropriate for ages 11 to 17. Space is limited; registration recommended.
Register each individual tween and teen who will be participating in the program.
¡Embarqué en una búsqueda creativa y deje que comience su viaje artístico!
Aprenda del muralista y escultor local Bimmer Torres y pinte sus propios diseños en cachuchas en blanco para transformarlas en obras maestras personalizadas. Ya sea que sea un artista principiante buscando inspiración o simplemente busca una actividad divertida, este programa ofrece la combinación perfecta de autoexpresión y participación comunitaria. ¡No se pierda esta oportunidad de mostrar sus talentos en un entorno vibrante y solidario, ya que su búsqueda de la realización artística comienza aquí! Se proporcionarán todos los materiales. Apropiado para edades de once a diecisiete años. El espacio es limitado; se recomienda registro.
Registre a cada preadolescente y adolescente que participará en el programa.
Mon, Mar 10 | Closed |
Tue, Mar 11 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Wed, Mar 12 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Thu, Mar 13 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Fri, Mar 14 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sat, Mar 15 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sun, Mar 16 | Closed |
With an energy-efficient structure and sleek design, Anythink Commerce City features a children’s pavilion, computer lab with ADA workstations and a teen area. A reading nook with fireplace looking out onto an enclosed garden offers a place of quiet reflection for visitors to enjoy. Sustainable features of the building include Solatubes, carpeting made from recycled materials, geothermal heating and cooling, and a green roof above the children’s pavilion planted with xeric local flora. The landscaped site also includes a community garden, maintained by local community members in partnership with Denver Urban Gardens.